Our Company, leader in the sector, must use its own expertise, products, services and relations to support and accelerate the changes that are fundamental for our economy and necessary to achieve shared prosperity for both current and future generations. For this reason, we firmly believe that incorporating ESG factors in our investments and products is the winning choice for a sustainable future.
DeA Capital Real Estate SGR S.p.A. has always shared and promoted principles of ethics, legality and respect for human rights and current regulations, considering them as the basis of its strategy.
The AMC is aware that the management of risks and opportunities regarding Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) issues and the integration of related factors in the investment process support value creation and growth in the medium to long term.
From 2021, the Asset Management Company formalizes its evolution in the approach to sustainability through an ESG Report, which encompasses all the information regarding the progress of its ESG goals, both at the corporate and product levels”