Responsible approach


UN Sustainable Development Goals (SGDs)

DeA Capital RE’s sustainable growth strategy aims to create value for all takeholders and the community by helping to achieve the objectives of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. the SDGs to which we believe we can contribute most and as a priority, through the implementation of business strategies and investment activities, are as follows. With a view to strengthening its leadership position in Italy and staying involved in the market and regulations, the AMC is a signatory of various worldwide associations, adhering to their principles and reporting on its activities annually.

UN Responsible Investments

Since 2019, DeA Capital RE has been a signatory to the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), launching a process to gradually integrate the Principles into business strategies and processes. As a signatory of the UN PRI, the AMC formally undertakes to respect the six principles established.

UN Global Compact

Since 2022, DeA Capital RE, together with the Group, has been a member of the UN Global Compact, whereby it acts responsibly and promotes its adoption and compliance with the 10 principles through its governance in the four areas identified: human rights,labour,environment and anti-corruption.


DeA Capital RE also plays an active role in promoting sustainability principles and in setting new market standards and practices within the main trade associations in the financial and real estate sector. It is an active member of working groups promoted by Assoimmobiliare on sustainability, governance and regulatory compliance issues.


The SGR has set itself objectives of constantly increasing the assets which are intended to be classified as Art. 8 among the Funds already under management before the entry into force of the SFDR. The progressive increase, in addition to representing the achievement of the objectives set, guarantees the maintenance of value and is an indication of the greater degree of awareness and involvement obtained towards the business structures and investors.In 2023 the SGR classified pursuant to the ART. 8 of SFDR 20 FIA

Framework e Tool ESG

DeA Capital RE has defined a methodological framework to analyse, classify and monitor AIFs (under management and in the startup phase) for the purposes of SFDR and the EU taxonomy for sustainable activities

Since 2021, the AMC has been developing a tool for the collection and aggregation of data on the KPIs used to monitor ESG variables of AIFs under management. Used in beta testing for periodic disclosures pursuant to the SFDR at 31 December 2022, the ESG tool enables the analysis and monitoring of drivers and the scoring of AIFs classified pursuant to Articles 8 and 9 of the SFDR. The ESGM tool has been developed on the same assessment platform as the real estate assets, with a view to aggregating common data and using ESG variables for assessments. It will enable the collection and periodic updating of data related to the ESG profile of assets and AIFs, along with their assessment through a dedicated ESG dashboard.

Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark

Since 2020 the AMC decided to adopt the GRESB rating assessment for its Article 8 AIFs under SFDR, thus strengthening the assessment of ESG parameters by issuing a rating through an independent third party, which examines and compares the level of maturity in the management of ESG aspects of AIFs and the AMC at national, EU and global level.In 2022, 17 AIFs participated in the GRESB assessment, which brought together information on the levels of performance achieved.

Environmental Certification

Conscious of the need to contribute to an orderly transition towards a low-carbon economy, uses, among others, LEED and BREEAM certification standards to assess and attest to the level of sustainability achieved by assets under management.

Social Certification

Driven by a desire to guarantee the highest performance to end users, across its buildings the AMC is gradually implementing specific technologies and design strategies to provide spaces in which wellness and comfort are set as objectives, in line with WELL and Fitwel protocols.

Technology Certifications

Driven by the desire to guarantee end users the highest performance, the SGR is gradually implementing specific technologies in its properties, in line with the Wired Score protocol. For certification data, refer to the annual ESG Reports.